Category: Publications

Presentation of the Book “A New Bretton Woods for a New World” by Giovanni Tria and Angelo Federico Arcelli – Significant participation and in-depth debate

The initial presentations of the book by Giovanni Tria and Angelo Federico Arcelli, entitled A New Bretton Woods for a New World: Reflections about the Future 80 Years after the Bretton Woods Conference, took place on October 21st and 22nd. The event garnered significant interest, attracting qualified participants who actively engaged in the debates, asking

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Giovanni Tria and Angelo Federico Arcelli present their new work: “A New Bretton Woods for a New World. Reflections about the Future 80 years after the Bretton Woods Conference”

ISEA – Center for Studies in Applied Economics – is pleased to announce the release of the new book titled “A New Bretton Woods for a New World“, written by Professors Giovanni Tria and Angelo Federico Arcelli, both Senior Fellows at ISEA. The volume, which examines the relevance and evolution of the international monetary system

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CIGI Conference Report on the topic of CBDCs

The Centre for International Governance Innovation has published the report of the a conference held in Rome on April 4, 2023. From the CIGI website: Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) promise to revolutionize the way the world uses money, but there are questions around the impacts on monetary regulation and financial markets that still need

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New ISEA Publication: “Moneta e Ricchezza” by Angelo Federico Arcelli

Aug. 29, 2023. ISEA Centro Studi is pleased to announce the release of its latest publication, “Moneta e Ricchezza” written by economist Angelo Federico Arcelli. This thought-provoking essay delves into the intricate relationship between currencies and wealth distribution, offering a comprehensive analysis of prevailing market trends on an international scale. In “Money and Wealth” Arcelli

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