Public and Private Events
Being a partnership of nonpartisan, international network of academics, professionals, private sector leaders and policy analysts focusing on economic, business, social and geopolitical research, ISEA can deploy teams of analyst and experts able to contribute to the debate on futures scenarios, policy activity, business and trade perspectives and, more generally, all areas of expertise covered by our experts. In order to fulfil in the best way possible the goals defined in the projects involving our experts, or to contribute in the organization of seminars, conferences, publications and policy briefs, ISEA is able to devote exceptionally skilled resources and to engage government and public officials, columnists, business executives, scholars, and, more generally, opinion and scientific leaders. ISEA aims at supporting private and public entities and participate to any initiative fitting in the areas of interest of the team of fellows and experts which compose our leadership.
All views, opinions, and conclusions expressed in any of the fellows’s publications, public interventions (including posting, op-eds, and speeches) belong to its author alone and do not represent the official position of ISEA. The participation of fellows and experts to projects and initiatives under the umbrella of ISEA remains primarily under their direct responsibility and in agreement with any deed performed with third parties.
For more information on how to engage our fellows and experts or a team of them, you can write to the ISEA secretariat indicating the object of your interest as well as your contacts. You will be re-contacted within a few business days.
22.10.2024 – Roundtable on International Financial Architecture After 80 Years of Bretton Woods featuring the book of Giovanni Tria and Angelo Federico Arcelli
- Roundtable organized by the Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the Istituto di Studi per l’Economia Applicata (ISEA), with the presentation of the book “A New Bretton Woods for a New World” by Giovanni Tria and Angelo Federico Arcelli at the Cosmos Club in Washington, DC.
04.04.2023 – Conference. CBDCs and their implications for the international monetary system
- Conference in Rome co-hosted by Centre for International Governance Innovation, Fondazione Mario Arcelli, ISEA Center for Studies in Applied Economics and UniCredit.
22.11.2022 – Presentation of the Master in Business Administration in cooperation with “Università Telematica G. Marconi”
- Master in Business Administration – Course in Italian [Brochure] [Video of the presentation]