Angelo Federico Arcelli
Senior fellow

“When discussing a technical and scientific subject, I believe in the importance of in-depth analysis and effective synthesis in order to foster concrete results and answer immediate questions, staring by historical experience and examples. It is a never-ending circle, when solid works need to be questioned and questioned again in order to find new answer and, often, get new questions. But only by the awareness of this continuing research come the understanding of long-term paths and perspectives.”
Angelo Federico Arcelli
Angelo Federico Arcelli is a Senior Fellow of ISEA. He is currently a full professor at G. Marconi University (Rome) and lecturer at Università Cattolica (Piacenza). Since 2016 he is a senior fellow at the Center for International Governance Innovation (“CIGI”, Waterloo, ON, CN). He is a full member and member of the executive committee of Aspen Institute Italy (Rome), affiliated entity to Aspen Institute (USA) and a member of Institut d’Etudes Politiques – IEP (Vaduz FL).
As a civil servant, Federico has been adviser and member of the executive board of the World Bank (Washington, DC, 2008–2009). In 2009–2010, he served as adviser in the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), part of the World Bank Group. Previously, he has been senior adviser to the vice president of the European Investment Bank (in Luxembourg, 2004–2008) and a member of the consultative committee (“Osservatorio”) on the European constitution in Italy’s Ministry of EU Affairs (Rome, 2002–2004).
In the private sector, he currently holds positions at Oliver Wyman and he served as director for government relations (Europe) for Marsh and McLennan Companies (MMC). He has previously held positions at IMI Bank, McKinsey & Company and Accenture.
He holds an M.Sc. degree in economics and a Ph.D. in economic history, both from Bocconi University in Milan.
Selected Publications
- “A New Bretton Woods for a New World. Reflections about the Future 80 years after the Bretton Woods Conference”
2024, Giovanni Tria, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Transatlantic Leadership Network, ISBN 9781737049159, [Download] - “Dialogue. Open Reflections in a Phase of Transition“
2023, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Agostino Marchetto, ISBN 9788875744687 - “CBDCs and Their Implications for the International Monetary System”
2023, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Robert Fay, CIGI, Conference Report - “Communion – Reflections for an intraecclesial dialogue”
2022, Miroslaw Wachowski, Giovanni Tria (the special presentation of the book written by H.E. Mgrs. Agostino Marchetto and Angelo Federico Arcelli: “Riflessioni – per un dialogo intraecclesiale”), ISEA, Paper n. 3, ISBN 9788894685329 - “IMF Special Drawing Rights allocation as a first step towards a new economic order”
2022, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Alexander Privitera, ISEA, Paper n. 1, ISBN 9788894685305 - “Data’s Transformative Power Opportunities, Risks and Privacy”
2022, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Pietro Carlo Padoan, CIGI, Conference Reports - “Towards a Renewed Bretton Woods Agreement”
2021, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Giovanni Tria, Transatlantic Leadership Network, ISBN 9780960012787, 0960012788 - “Blockchain Technology and Crypto-assets as a New Form of Payment Tool”
2021, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Giovanni Tria, CIGI, Conference Reports - “The post pandemic economic order”
2021, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Giovanni Tria, Longitude, Longitude, ISSN 2039-554X, Pages 56-64 - “Time to reset?” World commerce review
2021, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Giovanni Tria, World Commerce Review, World Commerce Review, ISSN 1751-0023 - “Considerations about the historical reasons behind the limits of current Eurozone architecture”
2020, Angelo Federico Arcelli, (in) “Riflessioni sul futuro dell’Europa”, (publication by) Alessandro Gennaro, Rainer Stefano Masera, Aracne Editrice, ISBN 9788825537284, Pages 157-164 - “Elements of board governance in banking and financial companies”
2020, (publication by) Angelo Federico Arcelli, Rainer Stefano Masera, Rubbettino, ISBN 9788849862218, 8849862210 - “The World with and after COVID-19”
2020, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Giovanni Tria, Robert Fay, CIGI, Conference Reports - “The evolution of digital assets: Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies”
2019, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Andrea Federico, Emiliano Carchen, (in) International Business Law, (publication by) Lucio Ghia, Cedam, ISBN 9788813370282, Pages 426-464 - “Challenges and issues of the financial sector concerning the european union in the forthcoming years”
2019, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Francesco Timpano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, VP Vita e Pensiero, ISSN 0042-725X, Vol. 146 - “Evolve or perish: the global forces changing the business of banks. In: Evolve or perish: the global forces changing the business of banks”
2019, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Robert Fay, CIGI, Conference Reports - Open finance a game changing reform
2019, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Maria Fernandez, CIGI, Conference Reports - “The financial regulatory outlook in the new political equilibrium”
2018, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Samantha St. Amand, CIGI, Conference Reports - “Ten Years Since the Global Financial Crisis: Lessons Learned, Opportunities Missed”
2017, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Domenico Lombardi, Harold James, CIGI, Waterloo - “Strengthening the European Financial System: The Role of Regulation, Architecture and the Financial Industry”
2016, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Domenico Lombardi, Samantha St. Amand, CIGI, Conference Reports, Pages 1-20 - “The Sovereign Debt Crisis in Europe: Impacts on Prices, Stability, Growth and Perspectives for Public Debt Sustainability”
2015, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Frank Sensenbrenner, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Vol. 104 - “An Historical perspective in current trends in the banking industry in Europe”
2015, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Alexander Privitera, Editrice Minerva Bancaria, Rivista Bancaria. Minerva Bancaria, ISSN 1594-7556, Vol. 2, Pages 1-16 - “The convergence illusion: why Europe’s approach to the financial crisis isn’t working – and what to do about it”
2013, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Edward P. Joseph, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - “The relevance of an investment zone for Europe”
2013, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Frank Sensenbrenner, Gangemi Editore, Semestre Europeo, ISSN 2281-115X, Pages 55-57 - “Mario Arcelli’s selected papers on economics (1967-1977)”
2005, (publication by) Angelo Federico Arcelli, Rubbettino, ISBN 9788849809855, 8849809859, Pages 212 - “Banking and Charity in Sixteenth Century Italy”
2003, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Upfront, ISBN 9781844261024, 1844261026 - “The genesis and consolidation of an example of public intervention in the economy: the Sacro Monte di Pietà of Rome”
1998, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Archivio Guido Izzi, Roma Moderna e Contemporanea, ISSN 1122-0244, Vol. 6, Pages 492-500 - “A Banking Enterprise at the Papal Court : The Company of Antonio della Casa and Jacopo di Michele di Corso Donati (1438-1440)”
1996, Angelo Federico Arcelli, Banca di Roma, The Journal of European Economic History, ISSN 0391-5115, Vol. 25, Pages 9-32
You can view all of Angelo Federico Arcelli’s publications on the Mario Arcelli Foundation website.